Thursday, November 29, 2007

sucanat and other "sugars"

Sucanat - shortened form of "sugar cane natural," an unrefined sugar that still contains molasses, and has less sucrose than table sugar, also contains some minerals

raw sugar - unrefined as well, so it still contains molasses, but it is crystallized, has less sucrose, brown sugar, (Turbinado, Demerara)

(brown) rice syrup - (made from rice), high in maltose --> low glycemic index

maple sugar - straight up boiled map sap, and deeeelicious

coconut syrup - just what it says

cane juice - crystallized & less sucrose than table sugar w/o added chemicals

agave - one of my favorites, from the cactus, mostly fructose, low glycemic

Jaggery / palm sugar - unrefined sugar, common in India, palm tree sap

When baking & cooking, sweetener equivalences look it up!

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